Counselling for people who want warmth and humour to go with their sincere listening.

All aboard the giving-a-fuck train

About Paddy

Hi, I’m Paddy and I’m neurodivergent (ND). To be brief, this means I need to do my life in a variety of different ways from whatever ‘normal’ is. Not that this stops me from occasionally giving myself a hard for not being ‘normal’ or for struggling with things that a ‘normal’ person wouldn’t. I’ve struggled a lot with my neurodivergence throughout my life, mostly because for a long time I didn’t even know I was ND. I got diagnosed with dysgraphia and dyspraxia when studying to become a counsellor, and through my own self investigation I recognise that I have a lot of traits that match up with ADHD and Autism. 

Through my own counselling, training, and self directed information gathering (watching a TON of youtube) I’ve learned lots of ways to allow me to work towards having the life I want. This is hard for everyone but a lot of conventional wisdom and approaches simply are suitable or effective for ND folx. You may already have a bunch of strategies that work for you, but a lot of us don’t yet, and I’d love to help you figure out what works for you.

Why Counselling?

Wherever you are on the bench, I'll sit with you.

I really like this photo, it’s a nice metaphor for human experience. Sometimes you’re having a nice sit on a bench, sometimes you’re in the nettles. It might seem obvious that the side without the nettles is the side you’d want to sit, but we sometimes seem to sit in the nettles despite all the pain and discomfort of the stings, and our brains telling us it would be much more preferable and sensible to sit on the other side. You might not understand why you might sit there, or might think you’re on the clear side instead of on the nettles! Maybe you think the nettles are just part of life and you have to endure your lot even though you’d really love a wee shot of not sitting on them.

Counselling can look like a lot of different things, and often we sometimes don’t know in advance what it is we want from it. What I can offer is, I’ll sit with you wherever you are on the bench. Maybe the company there is enough, or maybe you’d like a hand with learning how to grab the nettles in that special way that makes them sting a little less. I’ll be curious and gentle as I can be about whatever varieties of nettle you might have and what it is about them that is making your life difficult.

What Issues Can

Counselling Help With?

I'm a Person Centred Counsellor currently working from the west end of Edinburgh and Leith, as well as online. I offer counselling and psychotherapy via online video call and am comfortable working in a variety of subjects including:






Relationship Issues

Self Esteem



If you feel one or more of these is an area you are currently struggling with, or if something is going on that isn't listed here please use the contact form to get in touch.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how counselling works, or to arrange an initial assessment appointment. This enables us to discuss the reasons you are thinking of coming to counselling, whether it could be helpful for you and whether I am the right therapist to help.

You can also call/text me on 07506089358 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an initial appointment.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

So how does this work?

So I offer both face to face and video sessions depending on your preference, typically once per week, at a cost of £60 per one hour session. What we talk about is up to you, the work will progress at whatever pace feels comfortable for you.

How long will I need counselling for?

That’s up to you. I aim to help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and support you through whatever difficulties you are experiencing. For you that might mean having a space that’s completely yours to talk and be heard, or it might be that you want a different perspective and understanding from me. However you choose to use counselling, what you share with me is completely confidential.

I offer a 30-minute free welcome call with potential clients so we can have a brief discussion about what you hope to get from counselling. From there we work session to session until you decide you want the counselling to end.

Can I see your cats?

Of Course! Their names are Zappa (foreground) and Chachki (rear) Unfortunately they don't attend face to face sessions but any video session has a chance of a cat visit.

Zappa (foreground) and Chachki (rear) enjoying the decking in the garden
Where do you hold face to face sessions?

I have 2 rooms that I use on Wednesdays and Thursdays. They are at 10 Palmerston Place, and 64 Albion Road. You can find out more and see a picture of the room here